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  3. Josh Neufeld Poker Trainer
  4. Josh Neufeld Poker Announcer

Just two days remain in the 2014 World Poker Tour (WPT) L.A. Poker Classic Main Event and the money is starting to get serious. With 18 players left standing (well…sitting), everybody is guaranteed at least $54,850. That price tag will double once eight players are knocked out during today’s Day 5. Leading the charge to the final table is Josh Neufeld with 2,326,000 chips.

Josh Neufeld live updates from poker tournaments. Sign In / Register. Poker Coverage: Poker Legislation Poker. Sports Betting Poker 100% up to $1,000 NLOP Free Global Poker. Chris Moorman vs Josh Neufeld WPT Legends of Poker Level 11: 600-1,200 Josh Neufeld Doubles Thru Tony Dunst WPT Legends of Poker Level 3: 75-150 Hand 38 Josh Neufeld Out in 5th Place 264520 WPT LA Poker Classic Level 27: 25,000-50,000 Meet the WPT LA Poker Classic Final Table WPT LA Poker Classic Level 25: 15,000-30,000 Adam Friedman vs Josh Neufeld WPT LA Poker Classic Level 24: 12,000-24,000. Josh Neufeld Pokerstars, rush poker apk download, nitty poker significato, rubber duck slots. Results Merit Cyprus Classic. Casino: Merit Crystal Cove Hotel and Casino, Alsancak Mevkii Kyrenia, Cyprus Buy-in: $4,000 + $400 6-Day Event: August 16-21, 2013 Number of Entries: 262. Josh Neufeld three-bet the rest of his stack for 600,000 from the cutoff and the rest of the table folded back to Baumann. She sat thinking for about two minutes before calling and showing. Neufeld tabled and the two were racing. Neufeld was safe on the flop of, but Baumann paired up on the turn. Fifth street was the and Neufeld was sent to.

After Neufeld, the top of the leaderboard is fairly packed. Six other players have over 1,000,000 chips, including Glenn Lafaye, Chris Moorman, Joe Serock, and Michael Rocco, who have stacks ranging from 1,743,000 to 1,410,000. On the flip side, three players – Heath Mendelsohn, Hasan Habib, and Dan O’Brien – all have below 200,000 chips.

This is almost Neufeld’s largest cash of his career. The Californian has just three trips to the money in live tournaments (thanks to TheHendonMob.com for his tournament records), the largest and latest coming in the 2012 World Series of Poker Main Event, where he placed 79th for $88,070. His other two cashes bring his lifetime earnings to just over $100,000.

One of Neufeld’s biggest hands of Day 4 came at the expense of one of the previous day’s headliners, Jennifer Tilly. In the hand, Neufeld raised pre-flop to 26,000 and Tilly called. On the flop of 9♣-6♠-2, Neufeld bet 30,000 and then called when Tilly raised to 90,000. The turn was the A and this time Neufeld check-called a 150,000 chip bet from Tilly. Neufeld changed it up on the river, betting 450,000 when the K was dealt. Tilly took some time to ponder her action, but finally decided to call. Neufeld revealed pocket Kings for the lucky rivered set, while Tilly mucked her hand.

Josh Neufeld was already the chip leader before that hand, but that took him up to 2,700,000, more than twice the chips of anyone else in the tournament. Jennifer Tilly was eliminated shortly thereafter.

Perhaps Neufeld’s most significant hand came earlier, though, in a big three-way all-in. He, Kumar Parminder, and Jesse Yaginuma were in a three-bet pot and saw a flop of J♠-5-4♠. Yaginuma checked, Parminder bet 125,000, Neufeld called, and then Yaginuma decided to shove for 437,000. Parminder then moved all-in over the top for 519,000. Neufeld put his tournament life at risk, calling for 516,000.

Neufeld had the best hand, holding 5♣-5♠ for middle set. Yaginuma had A-J for top pair, while Parminder had A♠-K♠ for the nut flush draw. The turn was the K, not really changing much despite pairing Parminder, and the river was the 5, which gave Neufeld quads and close to a triple-up. Parminder was crippled and Yaginuma, the chip leader going into the day, was eliminated in 33rd place.

Today the tournament will run until just six players are left, setting up Thursday’s final table at the Commerce Casino.

2014 World Poker Tour L.A. Poker Classic Main Event – Day 4 Chip Counts

1. Josh Neufeld – 2,326,000
2. Glenn Lafaye – 1,743,000
3. Chris Moorman – 1,731,000
4. Joe Serock – 1,596,000
5. Michael Rocco – 1,410,000
6. Adam Friedman – 1,244,000
7. Patrick Bruel – 1,039,000
8. Michael Pickett – 847,000
9. Erkut Yilmaz – 689,000
10. Ludovic Assouline – 672,000
11. Tab Thiptinnakon – 640,000
12. Kazu Oshima – 516,000
13. Allen Pock – 452,000
14. Alexandru Masek – 402,000
15. Huy Lam – 359,000
16. Heath Mendelsohn – 184,000
17. Hasan Habib – 162,000
18. Dan O’Brien – 129,000

Chris Moorman gave a masterclass performance at the WPT LA Poker Classic final table to demolish hopes of a home victory and claim the $1,015,460 first prize.

Chris Moorman gave a masterclass performance at the WPT LA Poker Classic final table to demolish hopes of a home victory and claim the $1,015,460 first prize.

The world´s best online poker player – Chris Moorman – showed he is equally a force to be reckoned with in a live poker environment when taking down the WPT LA Poker Classic for the second seven-figure score of his career.

Josh Neufeld Poker Game

Throughout the nine hours it took to complete the six-handed final table, Moorman pressured his opponents into mistakes and – when things did not go entirely to plan – he recovered to bust out four of his final table opponents and become the latest member of the WPT Champions Club.

Going into the final table, Moorman was most people´s favourite to take the WPT LA Poker Classic despite being second in chips to overnight leader Michael Rocco. Moorman also had to overcome two WSOP bracelet winners – Patrick Bruel and Adam Friedman – if he was going to add a WPT title to his impressive resume.

#WPT LA Poker ClassicChips
1Michael Rocco5,615,000
2Chris Moorman3,190,000
3Patrick Bruel2,280,000
4Josh Neufeld1,930,000
5Glenn Lafaye1,855,000
6Adam Friedman1,150,000

Josh Neufeld Poker Club

Moorman Goes Up then Down – Friedman First to Bust

When the final table got underway at the Commerce Casino, the tournament was a few hands short of going in Level 26 (blinds 20,000/40,000 – ante 5,000). Chris Moorman started well enough – winning six of the first nine hands – but was forced out of a 1.8 million chip pot by Michael Rocco to be reduced below his starting stack.

During the early action, Adam Friedman had lost half his stack to Josh Neufeld when Neufeld flopped a Seven-high straight and, down to his last fourteen big blinds, Friedman moved all-in with 4 4 and received a call from Glenn Lafaye (A J♠). Lafaye paired his Ace on the flop and Friedman was eliminated from the WPT LA Poker Classic final table in sixth place.

Moorman Eliminates Neufeld but Doesn´t Know What to do about Rocco

Josh Neufeld Poker Trainer

Chris Moorman recovered the chips he had lost to Michael Rocco with interest when he shoved all-in to a pot already containing 3.8 million chips and forced a fold from Rocco. He then eliminated Josh Neufeld in fifth 10♣ 10 > A 10 to have half the chips in play in front of him, but could not shake off Michael Rocco.


Michael Rocco forced Chris Moorman out of another substantial pot to level the chip counts between the two players, and then took four out of the next five pots to open a gap between the two chip leaders. Moorman was heard to say, I don´t know what to do about this guy to one of his supporters on the rail, and things got worse for Chris Moorman shortly after, when Glenn Lafaye took him for 1.6 million chips a few hands later with a paired Queen.

Things got even worse for Chris Moorman as the game went into Level 29 when he doubled-up Patrick Bruel 4♣ 4 > A♠ K♠ and, when play started for Level 30 (blinds 50,000/100,000 – ante 15,000) Chris Moorman was the shortest stacked of the four remaining players:

#WPT LA Poker ClassicChips
1Michael Rocco6,115,000
2Patrick Bruel3,705,000
3Glenn Lafaye3,495,000
4Chris Moorman2,705,000

Moorman Back on Track – Busts Bruel, but Chopped Back Down by Lafaye

Moorman´s recovery came courtesy of a flopped paired of Threes against Patrick Bruel and some fairly aggressive pre-flop betting. By the time Level 30 came to a close, Chris Moorman and Patrick Bruel had exchanged places on the leaderboard, and this enabled Chris Moorman to call Bruel´s shove following the flop of J 8♠ 2♣. Bruel turned over K♣ 8♣ for a pair of Eights, but he failed to improve past Moorman´s (A♣ J♣) flopped pair of Jacks and was eliminated in fourth place.

With his enhanced chip stack, Chris Moorman started to target Glen Lafaye – who had taken the chip lead from Michael Rocco after a failed Rocco bluff – however, one huge pot in which Lafaye flopped a set of Deuces against Chris Moorman´s K♣ K♠, reduced Moorman´s stack back down to 2 million chips.

Moorman Wins the Pivotal Hand of the Final Table to Bust Rocco

The pivotal hand of the WPT LA Poker Classic came at the end of Level 31 (60,000/120,000 – ante 20,000). Glenn Lafaye had raised to 325,000 chips from the button, and Michael Rocco moved all-in from the Small Blind. Chris Moorman shoved over the top from the Big Blind and Glenn Lafaye made the call – knowing that if his hand was to hold, victory the WPT LA Poker Classic would be his:

  • Glenn Lafaye: Q J
  • Chris Moorman: 10♠ 10♣
  • Michael Rocco A♣ 8

The flop of K Q♠ J gave Glenn Lafaye two pairs, while both Chris Moorman and Michael Rocco both had draws to a Straight. The 3♠ on the Turn was a blank, and Lafaye would accomplish a dual knockout and victory in the event if he could avoid an Ace, a Ten or a Nine on the River. Dramatically, the A♠ was dealt on the River – giving Chris Moorman a virtual triple up and eliminating Michael Rocco in third place.

Lafaye Leads into Heads Up, but Moorman Pressure Wins the Day

Despite Chris Moorman´s triple up, Glenn Lafaye held an 8.275 million -v- 7.75 million chip advantage going into the heads-up. However, his lead was not to last for long, as Moorman applied the pressure, and reduced his opponent´s stack to less than two million chips without a single hand going to showdown. Lafaye managed one double-up when his A♠ Q♠ out-kicked Moorman´s Q♣ 5 on a Queen-high board, but Glenn Lafaye´s participation in the WPT LA Poker Classic was only going to last five more hands.

With blinds now at 100,000/200,000 (ante 25,000), Chris Moorman raised to 600,000 chips and Glenn Lafaye made the call. Following the flop of J♣ 7♣ 6, Chris Moorman led out again for another 525,000 chips, and Glenn Lafaye responded by announcing he was all-in. Moorman snap-called and the cards were on their backs:

Glenn Lafaye: 5♠ 4 for an open-ended straight draw

Chris Moorman: A A for an over-pair

Lafaye needed to hit either end of his draw to stay alive in the tournament, but the Q on the Turn and 5 on the River quietened the American´s rail and gave Chris Moorman victory in the WPT LA Poker Classic.

#WPT LA Poker ClassicResult
1Chris Moorman$ 1,015,460
2Glenn Lafaye$ 662,840
3Michael Rocco$ 423,440
4Patrick Bruel$ 332,190
5Josh Neufeld$ 264,520
6Adam Friedman$ 200,440

Josh Neufeld Poker Announcer

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