Poker is a game of limited information. The later you have to act, the more information you get, and therefore you have an advantage over early position. In early position players have to decide whether to call, fold, or raise without having any idea about what cards other players have. The term 'tag sale' is used more in the northeast than in other parts of the United States. In some areas, a tag sale is considered the same as an estate sale, and the owners of the merchandise may hire professional sale organizers to run the event. A poker player who grasps the fundamentals of playing solid tight aggressive poker, but is not making adjustments against good players who are exploiting his TAG style. TAG stands for tight aggressive and describes a style of play where a few carefully selected hands are played aggressively. In general and particularly at the lower limits, the TAG style is quite profitable.

Abbreviation for Tight Aggressive Poker. It is an acronym mostly used in online poker to describe a playing style. A tight aggressive player is playing good starting hands and will play them aggressively by betting and raising both pre-flop and post-flop.

Tag Poker Terms

By being selective with the hands a TAG player chooses to play, it usually results in having the best hand at showdown. This aggressive style also allows you to pick up lots of small pots when you’ve raised before the flop and make a on the flop to take down the pot.


Tag Poker Strategy

EXAMPLE: “I was playing TAG so my table image was probably perceived as a nit.”

Tag Poker Terminology

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